There is nothing I love more than being a mom, but the good Lord knows that I need some time to get things done every once in awhile. Whether it’s work, housework, or just a chance to zone out and have some “me-time”, it can be tough to get things done when you have little ones who are dependent on you every minute of every hour of every day (good thing we love them so much).

Maybe it’s naturally easy for you to get things done around your kids. If so, great. For me, I had to learn a few hacks along the way to help me be productive and spend quality time with my babes. Below are 3 hacks that work for me and hopefully they will work for you too.

  1. Choose your top 3- this is a “hack” I learned from Jenna Kutcher’s podcast, Goal Digger (it’s amazing if you are an entrepreneur, woman in business, blogger, influencer, woman with goals, etc.- I highly recommend checking it out). Jenna talks about tackling daily productivity by choosing your top 3 each day; 3 main things that you want to accomplish. For example: blog post, deep cleaning bathrooms, and meal planning. Your “free time” is focused on those three things. If you happen to have extra time to do more, great. But if not, atleast you will have accomplished your top 3.
  2. You can do anything for 10 minutes- I’ve come to live by this saying, which I altered (the actual phrase is 10 seconds I believe, but it applies here in minutes). I have three very small kids who can’t be left unattended and get bored easily, but 10 minutes is a great time frame to set them up with an activity, put the baby in the walker with a few fun toys, and have 10 minutes to focus on one of the items on my top 3. Occasionally, I’ll get 20 or 30 minutes, which is great, but I’ve become a master of the 10 minute time frame.
  3. Let the kids help- Alot of times, my kids just want to be around me and of course, their little nosy selves always want to know what I’m up to. So I’ve found that I can usually get quite a few things done when incorporating them in the activity/chore. I’ve got an entire blog post coming about chores for toddlers but some simple ideas are: letting them help rinse dishes or sort laundry, having them dust or wipe down lower cabinets and surfaces, when blogging or working from the kitchen table, setting them up with writing utensils, crayons, markers and having them be my “assistants”. They feel special and mama gets her stuff done!

If all else fails, I should mention that I’m in no way above bribing. There are times I offer the tablet or turn to YouTube to buy some time. These hacks work for me but it’s always good to have a back-up plan. A mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do. Let me know what hacks work for you and how you get things done during the day with littles.


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