springtime in january

in family  •  January 22, 2017

Today was one of my favorite days. In Indiana, it’s rare to see 60° in January and I don’t think the temperature has been that high since I had Everly in October! So we took advantage and spent the afternoon outside. The fresh air was just what we (mostly, I) needed. It was so nice to enjoy the sun and be outside coat-free. We started at one of our favorite family spots, our local walking trail. Chris and I used to walk this trail all the time and dream about having kids. We would talk about pushing a stroller along the trail and holding a little hand across the bridge. Today we did just that.

Hadley has been on the trail with us before and usually runs the whole way. Her little toddler feet just go and go. Today she took off right away and would only stop occasionally to pick up sticks (apparently those are pretty cool to a two year old). It’s so fun watching her explore. Everything is exciting to her and it reminds me to appreciate the little things in life. Seeing your shadowing, finding fun leaves, and walking on the concrete steps is a good time.

Today was Everly’s first time on the trail. She lasted about four minutes and then slept the rest of the walk. I pushed her in the stroller and we mostly just hung back and watched big sister do her thing. I kept thinking about how much time spent on previous walks was talking about the moments happening right in front of me. Chris and I, and our kiddos, walking and playing together.

After the walk, we were planning on heading to the park. I’d already told Hadley and she was pumped up for the swings and all the other crazy stuff she does at the park (the girl has no fears!). But the walk wore her out and we were barely out of the parking lot from the trail when she crashed out. Chris and I debated taking her anyway because she had been so excited but we were pretty sure she wasn’t going to wake up in any mood to play. So home we went for nap time.

The girls won’t remember today but it was one of those days that I know I won’t forget. It will probably go something like this: “Remember that day in January that was super warm? So we took the girls to the walking trail and had so much fun just chasing Hadley and pushing Ev in the stroller? That was the best day…”

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