A New Approach to a New Year

in holiday, lifestyle  •  January 16, 2020

Me: I *will* get this post up on January 1st.

Also me: *sipping coffee, writing this post on January 15th*

Better late than never right? And if you know me, that’s basically my life. But here I am, midway through January, and I can speak with a little 2020 experience under my belt, all 15 days of it.

Do you make resolutions? What about goals? I’ve never really been a resolutions person but I’m ALL about goals. I set goals all the time; little ones every day, and big goals for myself that I consistently revisit and tweak. Goals are my jam.

I don’t really associate goals with New Years because they are a year-round thing for me. I do, however, get the excitement of a fresh start and look forward to the future plans for the year. Last year, I started something new (to me). For each month in 2019, I selected a word that guided my month. For example, January was “launch”. Not only did I “launch” more of a focus towards blog, I launched into my fitness goals and my work as I returned from maternity leave. It just seemed like the perfect word to focus on that month. Other words for the year included: simplify, gratitude, present (as in “be present”), present (again), grow, and patience. I loved this method of “New Years resolutions” because it kept me motivated, helped set a focus for the month, and was shorter-term than committing to something for an entire year. I usually didn’t choose the word for each new month until a few days before or in some cases, a few days into, the start of the month. That way, I could be flexible to change a word, repeat a word, or switch things up altogether depending on what I was feeling.

Running list of words

I recommend this approach if you have a hard time committing to long-term goals or if the thought of a “resolution” is daunting. It’s not too late to set your word for January and devote the rest of the month to that cause. My word for January 2020 is “focus”. I’ve got all kinds of ideas in my head for future words but for now I save them as a note in my phone to revisit later. I mean…I do still have 15 days left before I’m choosing February’s word.

Do you like this idea? Let me know if you try it. Please share if you do something similar or have another untraditional idea that you implement each New Year. I’d love to hear it!

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