lazy mom’s guide to slime

in kids  •  August 21, 2017

I blame YouTube. My daughter loves to watch videos of kids (and sometimes adults?) playing with play doh, surprise eggs, and all kinds of toys and gadgets. It’s cute how into them she gets. The downside is that then she wants the toy, gadget, or whatever the featured item of the video is.

Last weekend she somehow clicked her way to slime videos. Video upon video of kids making slime. Regular slime, glitter slime, blue slime, pink sparkle slime, all. the. kinds. of slime. So of course, she comes to me demanding to make slime. But looking at the directions, we had pretty much NOTHING on the ingredients list. Even the “easy” versions call for things I haven’t had in my house in years. And Borax?! Ummm….what?

But I’m a quick thinker and I always find a way to make it work somehow. So I dug around for items we did have at home and ended up with a (ridiculously) easy way to make “slime”. Note: This will work for a 3 year old who has never actually made or played with other versions of slime. Otherwise, they might demand the real thing.

To make:

Put shaving cream in a bowl

Mix in food coloring (child can help for added fun)

To play:

Leave in bowl and add spoon, measuring cup, etc. OR spread on a cookie sheet for finger-paint-style fun!

This kept my daughter busy for a solid 30-40 minutes but did result in slightly stained hands from the food coloring and a little bit of a tantrum when it was time to clean up. It was easy and fun though, so we’ll be making lazy mom slime again. I hope you try it and love it too!

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