mom gets a sick day

in family, motherhood  •  February 5, 2017

I had a lot of fun things planned for this weekend, but that all changed when I woke up Friday morning with a killer tummy ache and a fever. I knew I had a stomach bug because my stomach felt like someone had punched me, and I always get that feeling when I have the flu (I still call the stomach flu, “flu”….I grew up calling it that and I don’t think of the other stuff anytime I hear “flu”). Basically, I felt totally miserable and was honestly happy when I finally vomited because I knew I had to if I was ever going to feel better.

The hardest thing by far about being a mom is trying to “mom” when you’re sick. When you are throwing up, it’s virtually impossible. Thankfully, I have the best mom in the world and she showed up right away to take Hadley. It would’ve been totally understandable of her to say no and stay away from my sick self, but she is always willing to help, and before I could even bring it up, she said she’d come get her and keep her overnight. I was sad to see her go but I was by no means in any shape to take care of her. The poor thing was still in jammies and had only eaten what she could pull out of the fridge- I know, that’s really bad of me, but that’s how bad I felt.

I still “mommed” through my sickness because I kept Everly here with me. She was the best baby and put up with me even though she didn’t get near enough love and attention that she deserved that day. We made it through together though and I think we’re both okay. Chris was amazing too once he got home and really helped out. I passed out twice later that night and I think I scared him because h

I don’t know how moms do it. I have the utmost respect for you if you have “mommed” through a serious illness. When I was pregnant with Everly, I had really bad morning sickness- all day. I was nauseous, tired, and just felt horrible 60-70% of the time. But yesterday, I was so out of it, I literally couldn’t move at times or even open my eyes. I needed the help and am so thankful it was there for me. If you’ve ever done it on your own, you are amazing. Truly amazing, mama!

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