After School Snacking with Sargento

in food, kids  •  September 13, 2019

I’m partnering with Sargento Cheese this week to create an easy and delicious back-to-school recipe for kids (and parents too, because #backtoschool isn’t just for the littles!). You’ve most likely already heard of Sargento (best cheese ever!) but if not, look for it the next time you grocery shop. It’s REAL CHEESE. And seriously guys- this cheese is so good.

For my Sargento® Cheese recipe, I created a kid-friendly charcuterie board which is always a win at my house. I added something special for a fun, school-inspired snack that would appeal to kids by design and taste. I knew I wanted to use Colby-Jack because that’s my girls’ favorite, and pencils seemed like a great school theme. I picked up a few other ingredients and whipped together these adorable pencils. Read below for the “How-To”.

#BacktoSchool Cheese Pencils and Charcuterie Board with Sargento® Cheese

What you need:

  • Sargento® Cheese (my girls love Colby-Jack, but the Mild Cheddar is also great and would work!)
  • Bread, sliced
  • Raisins
  • Ham, sliced

What you do:

  • 1. Trim the crust off the bread, cut the corners off of 2 opposites sides and square off the bottom corner to make a pencil shape.
  • 2. Cut the Sargento® cheese slice in half and make little cuts at the top to create the jagged line of the pencil. Place on bread.
  • 3. Cut a small rectangle of ham and place at the bottom of the bread for the eraser.
  • 4. Trim a piece of crust to place between the cheese and ham (where the pencil ends and eraser begins).
  • 5. Add a raisin at the top point of the pencil.

From here, be creative and style on a charcuterie board or tray. Add crackers, extra cheese, fruits and veggies as desired. I added some crackers, blueberries, celery and peanut butter. I wanted to spell out ABC with the blueberries but my tray is small. Another cute idea would be to write your child’s name in blueberries, raisins, or any other small food item and position the pencil to look as if it wrote the name.

My girls loved this! It was a huge hit and they thought the pencils were the neatest things. The pencils were the first things they ate. Now they are asking me when they can have pencil sandwiches again. Healthy snacks are great for getting kids back into school mode. Wishing you and your littles a happy Back to School season! 

You can check out more yummy recipes with Sargento® cheese by following their Instagram @sargentocheese and visiting